Get Help With Your Book…
Listen to Christine’s Podcast
Join USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-selling author, award-winning publisher and transformational author coach, Christine Kloser on the Get Your Book Done podcast.
Each week she brings you engaging interviews with New York Times best-sellers, publishing industry leaders, everyday authors and book marketing experts eager to help you make a difference with your message and experience publishing success… because authorship is one of the most powerful things you can do to transform yourself, your readers, your business and ultimately the world.
If you’re a non-fiction author thinking about writing a book or already working on one — this podcast is for you!

093: Kute Blackson – How to Prepare Yourself for Publishing Success
Episode Summary Kute Blackson is an inspirational speaker and bestselling author who sold 15,000 copies of his first book in the first week (in an industry where people are pleased to sell 5,000 books a year total)! He knows how to prepare yourself for publishing...
092: Janet Shapiro – How to Maximize PR Results for Your Book
Episode Summary Janet Shapiro is a 25-year public relations industry expert at Smith Publicity, where she has helped authors score appearances on CNN, Time Magazine, USA Today, O Magazine, and countless others. In today’s episode, she shares her favorite tricks of the...
091: Ulcca Joshi Hansen – How to Succeed on Your Author Journey
Episode Summary Do you suspect you were meant to write a book–but that gnawing voice in your head keeps saying you’re wrong? Ulcaa Hansen, educational transformation expert and author of The Future of Smart knows exactly how you feel. And she is here to teach you how...
090: Marc Allen – Can Anyone Get Published?
Episode Summary Can anyone publish a book? Marc Allen, the publisher behind such bestselling books as Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now and Deepak Chopra’s The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success answers this essential question. 7:15 Christine and Marc tackle the...
089: Anümani Santos – Writing from Your Soul
Episode Summary Tapping into your inner self (your soul!) can help you write the work you were meant to write. Anümani Santos, a published author, modern-day shaman and well-regarded spiritual teacher, shares her tips on how to do this. 5:40 How should you define...
088: Stephen Larmer – Branding for Authors
Episode Summary Whether or not you realize it, you already have a brand as an author. The only thing you can do is choose what that brand will be. Branding expert Stephen Larmer shares his advice on building an author brand with intention and authenticity. 4:07...