Gain clarity, boost your confidence, and map out a plan for your book with this simple four-step process.
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“I signed up for Get Your Book Done and got it done in less than a year. Before that, I tried several other writing programs and courses, but nothing worked. Nothing felt right in my soul. I lacked the direction, and the safe and encouraging place to grow the confidence to be an author. Christine and her team have since helped me write and publish three books, and I’m working on my fourth. I found a company and people who really care about my books as much as I do. Now I’ve become a media expert and sought after coach. This team nurtured my dream into reality!”
Shari Leid
Author of Three Highly-Acclaimed Books
As seen on CBS, NBC, Fox, ABC, Real Simple, and many more

“I’m pinching myself that I finally did it. Writing my book had been on the back burner for more years than I care to admit. I doubted that what I had to say really mattered, and struggled with endless starts and stops. When I found Christine and the Get Your Book Done program, it gave me the clarity, direction and focus I needed to write, while skyrocketing my level of confidence and belief in myself. Words cannot describe how life changing this program is. My best-selling book was the cherry on top.”
Veronica Lynch, PhD
Best-Selling Author, Undocumented
CEO, CreateWhole Wellness Services
Your story has the power to change lives
(But you have to finish writing it first)
You’ve invested countless hours thinking about your book, but your life-changing book is still just an idea. You’re beginning to wonder if you’ll ever have the clarity, confidence and courage to create the unfinished masterpiece you’ve been wanting to write for years.
Without a clear plan – and safe, supportive people to guide you through the writing process – the overwhelm leaves you feeling stuck, unsure of yourself, and doubtful your book will ever get done.
Discover your core message
Get your book done — and become a more authentic you through the process
No microwaved, one-size-fits-all approaches here. With Get Your Book Done, you’ll write the most authentic and transformational book that comes straight from your heart.
Build confidence
When you receive heartfelt support and expert guidance to sail past any question, challenge or doubt you may face as you write, you’ll discover a powerful new level of confidence that quiets your mind and builds trust in yourself.
Gain clarity
Knowing exactly what to do, and the order in which to do it, eliminates mental clutter and delivers clarity that puts an end to procrastination, confusion and overwhelm so you can tap into the authentic, life-changing message you’re meant to share with the world.
Experience Success
As you uncover and embody the true essence of your book, you’ll easily turn extra minutes in your schedule into productive writing time. This is how you’ll finish your book in mere months, not years.
STAY MOTIVATED, no matter what
I followed my intuition, signed up for the Get Your Book Done program and stayed engaged in the process. Very quickly I gained clarity on my book’s core message and title, and felt a level of confidence that made writing so much easier. This program was like having a book midwife from conception to birth! Without Get Your Book Done I would not be the author I am today.
TURN FEAR INTO fulfillment
I wanted to write a book for years but was beginning to doubt I could ever get it done. Now, I thank God for bringing Christine and her program into my life . The caring support was exactly what I needed, as well as the structured steps that were simple and easy to follow. I still pinch myself that my book is done… not to mention the impact it’s having on readers, and the difference it’s made in myself and my business. An answer to my prayers.

The expertise, inspiration, and sound advice you need to write and publish your book
Our programs have reached more than 90,000 people in 127 countries. We’ve published more than 650 authors. We’ve seen clients grow six and seven-figure businesses, land on the stages of TEDx, be seen on major media and attract opportunities they never dreamed possible.
We’ve seen it over and over again: When you have the structure of a proven system along with skillful guidance and support to believe in yourself and the power of your message, things like self-doubt, confusion and overwhelm feeling become a thing of the past.
We know you can be a published author.
And we’re here to help you make it happen.
Our authors have been featured in:

Share your story with confidence and
Become the author you’ve always wanted to be.

Schedule a Call
Ready to finally write your most powerful and authentic book? Schedule a call to gain clarity, explore your options and choose the path that’s best for you.

Commit to Your Book
Follow the steps provided and trust the process. The journey may feel difficult at times, but we know how this story ends — with you holding your finished book in your hands.

Celebrate Your Success
Smile at the cover, hold it in your hands and have fun signing copies for clients, family and friends. We’ll be right there celebrating this great accomplishment with you.
80% of the population says they want to write a book.
We’ll help you be one of the 2% who experiences the deep joy of holding that book in your hands.
American polls report that 80% of people surveyed say they want to become an author. Only 2% of them actually do. That’s an alarming and concerning statistic. Yet it’s understandable because most aspiring author don’t know how to get their ideas out of their head and onto the page in a way that feels amazing, fun and fulfilling. Let alone give those ideas structure, form and focus that engages readers from start to finish.
Continue Reading
Whether you receive support in our Get Your Book Done program or Accelerator (our highest level of support) you won’t waste a single minute feeling confused, scared, overwhelmed or procrastinating because you don’t know what to do and keep doubting yourself. Instead, you’ll discover nurturing support and expert guidance that helps you feel confident and focused every step of the way – delivered in bite-size video lessons that gracefully guide you from having a book idea to getting it done! And with our Accelerator you’ll be fully supported by a private writing coach with years of experience to help you powerfully move past blocks, and easily write a fabulous manuscript. With Accelerator you also receive a full publishing package with our publishing company, Capucia LLC.
Too many authors go about writing their book the wrong way. They judge themselves for not being able to write it “in a weekend” as many coaches promote, so they simply stop trying. Others join peer writing groups only to be distracted and derailed because none of them know what they’re doing. Some join coaching programs that cheer them on, but provide no clear path or supportive structure to get results. Or worse, they work with a so-called expert who coaches them to write a book they never wanted to write in the first place (because that topic gets more searches online). Yes, this stuff happens, and it breaks our heart to see aspiring authors misguided by people who don’t really care about them or their book.
Having worked with authors since 2003, we’ve seen everything when it comes to reasons why books stay stuck inside. We’ve been there and we know what works. We’ve helped thousands get past the doubt, confusion or procrastination and into their power as a transformational author. Our Get Your Book Done process lays out the steps and provides the safe structure to overcome what’s held you back from starting (or finishing) your book – so you can become the impactful author you’ve always wanted to be.
Get Your Book Done members often thank us for helping them write a book that’s better than they ever dreamed possible. One they’re proud of and excited to share with the world for years to come. It boils down to four simple steps…
Step 1: Create a solid foundation (inside and out) for transformation and success
Step 2: Organize your outline for maximum impact and writing ease
Step 3: Learn how to win at writing with focus, fun and clarity
Step 4: Understand the best path to publish your book once it’s written
Get Your Book Done includes lifetime access to our time-tested online program, self-paced video lessons, eye-opening action guides, access to office hours six times a month to get all your writing questions answered, and exclusive member bonuses worth thousands… which you’ll learn more about on your call.

“I received so much clarity and focus that I was highly productive… while still having fun! I assure you the Get Your Book Done Accelerator is the most valuable, supportive, inspiring, and results-producing program you’ll find to help you write your book. I hope you’ll do what I did and jump straight in!”
Lou Niestadt
Author, Pockets Full of Joy

“Christine’s Get Your Book Done program jump-started my book writing process at a time when I felt lost, stuck, and isolated. I could feel her heartfelt encouragement every step of the way. She’s like a best friend/mentor/soul sister nudging you forward, coaxing your message out of your heart and onto the page. I highly recommend her if you need support in birthing your book – and let’s face it – who doesn’t?”
Sandra Joseph
Record-Breaking Phantom of the Opera Broadway Actress
Best-Selling Author, Unmasking What Matters

“I don’t know how she did it, but in less than an hour I got clarity, structure and focus that made sense of all the book ideas that had been rolling around in my head for years. As a Superior Court Judge, of course I did my due diligence when it came to choosing the right coach and program. And, I have no doubt Christine and her team are the best in the field. Not only are they wise and knowledgeable, but I know they have my back. They believed in my book as much as I did, and stood by me every step of the way.”
Hon. Shelyna Brown
Author, Preside Over Your Life

The structure and direction you want
The emotional support and guidance you need to stay grounded and resilient throughout the process.
You may have made excuses in the past, but today is different.
Today, you’ve discovered:
- a process to move past any fear of sharing your story
- community to lift you up when you start to doubt
- passion to keep you resilient, strong and focused as you write
- steps to demystify the how of writing and publishing your book
We know you feel the nudge, the call, the desire…
You are an author. But you’re much more than that, too. You’re a leader. A messenger. A transformative story teller. Someone who is bringing a fundamental shift into the world with your words.
It’s time to get your book done.