Accessing Your Authentic Message

There is nothing more powerful than accessing your authentic message and being the powerful Presence you were born to be.  Yet, so often, it’s easy to get busy with tactics, strategies, blueprints, and formulas for “making something happen” in your life or business – and you can miss the ever-important journey of digging deep enough to know what exactly it is you are here to share!

I can say this because it happened to me.  I got so wrapped up in doing what I “thought” I was supposed to do that I had missed what I was BORN to do.  There’s a big distinction there.

Now, don’t get me wrong… every one of my past experiences has served me because it got me to where I am today.  Today I live more in a state of bliss than I ever have before and I wouldn’t change a thing about how I got here.
However, if I can help you discover your authentic truth without experiencing the loss, pain and challenges I went through… then I’m honored to do what I can to help.

So, here is the first thing I want to share in this series.  It’s something I’ve practiced personally (and with clients) to access the most powerful, authentic message that lives inside of you already:

Open Yourself to the Power and Presence of Love

There is no more powerful vibration than that of love.  Opening yourself to the power of self-love and the loving presence of others can help you access places inside of you that have been previously untouched.

I’ve experienced this over and over again with my clients.  Since 1997 when I began coaching, the biggest breakthroughs I’ve seen have all been possible because of love – it’s been amazing to hold the unconditionally loving space for a client’s life to change in an instant.

I understand opening your heart can feel scary at times.  Sometimes it can even feel impossible, especially if you’ve ever been ridiculed or criticized for your thoughts, beliefs or ideas.  It seem easier to just keep plugging along… rather than do the work to heal those hurts, open your heart and BE the magnificent FULL expression of who you’re here to be.

However, keeping your heart protected makes accessing your true gifts – your authentic message – nearly impossible.

So, I want to share some ways to deepen your experience of self-love.  It’s the most powerful love of all and you can take a step on this journey right now.

Begin by noticing how you treat yourself and how you talk to yourself.  If you’re beating yourself up, or judging something you did or didn’t do – there is no room for love.  And, there’s no access to the deeper parts of yourself where your authentic message lies.

When self-love isn’t flowing, it’s very difficult for anything else to flow.  The conversations in your head, the regrets, blame, shame, etc. all keep you from having access to the gifts that lie within.

To make a shift in this area, practice being gentle with yourself.  It may be that you stop a self-deprecating thought and replace it with a deeper, more loving truth about yourself.  Perhaps you can practice loving yourself by being honest about how you feel, or saying “no” to those things that don’t serve you.  Maybe you can let go of comparison or celebrate YOUR unique gifts.

There are a gazillion ways to practice self-love; just choose one to get started.  And as you do, notice that the more you love yourself, the more easily you’ll access the truths in your own heart, your authentic message.

The messages and gifts you are here to share through your work – and through your presence in the world – are already inside.

Imagine what would be possible and how you would show up in the world if every thought you had about yourself came from love.  Woweee!  You would light up the world.

This depth of authentic expression of your message is absolutely possible. It’s your birthright.  So, I encourage you to take this article to heart and open yourself to the power of self-love today.  It can change everything.

About the Author

Christine Kloser

Christine’s book writing programs have served more than 90,000 people in 127 countries.  She’s also published 650+ transformational authors and has been on the Top 100 Amazon, USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists herself. She is the Founder and CEO of Get Your Book Done and Capucia Publishing.

Interested in working with Christine and her team to get your book written and published, schedule a call with one of our Author Success Coaches to see if we're a good fit to work together.


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