The Power of Priorities

It’s very fitting to be writing this article about the power of priorities. Because it’s been a long time since I’ve actually “worked” on my priorities.

However, what I’ve discovered is that I naturally live by my priorities without having to put a lot of focus on doing so.

And, I’m here to help you put the power of priorities to work for you, so they are naturally integrated into your life… so decision making – and action taking – are easier for you.

Because when decision making and action taking get easier, you end up making faster and more clear decisions – and take action from a place of alignment and empowerment, rather than a frenzied “mish-mash.”

I know a lot about living from that frenzied state, rather than from my priorities. For years, I was in a near-constant frenzy; never stopping to truly determine if something was the best right step for me, or if I was just getting wrapped up in “bright, shiny object” syndrome.

Thankfully, that frenzied states happens very rarely now. And my life and business are really working well. There’s time for everything; work gets done; family-time happens; date night with my hubby happens; quiet time happens; and I go to bed each day feeling fulfilled and accomplished about the day.

So, here are a few tips to help you put the power of priorities to work for you:

First, make sure the priorities that are driving you are actually YOURS! Too often people get wrapped up in living their life according to someone else’s priorities.

Nothing can cause you to feel frustrated and exhausted every day more than living according to somebody else’s life! It takes some inner-work to get clear on what’s truly right for you – without worrying about the “should’s” you or anyone else has placed on yourself.

Next, order your priorities according to what you’re most passionate about! Yes, passion is a key driver in putting the power of priorities to work for you.

Imagine this… you have a lot of things in front of you that need your attention. The mere thought of all these things has you feeling overwhelmed, depleted, and not excited about any one of them.

On the other hand, imagine that you’re in the same situation but you feel excited about what lies ahead and your passion guides you to take action naturally. You end up accomplishing a lot, and feeling good about it; rather than feeling exhausted and depleted because you just couldn’t get everything done.

Let me give you an example here. I’ve recently been asked this question on my Soulful Messenger Coaching Program Q & A call: “There’s so much I need to do with regards to growing my business and reaching more people with my message, but I’m not getting anything done because there are just too many things to do. How do you suggest I shift this pattern and start getting things done… without feeling overwhelmed?”

My response was to not try to get everything done at once (website, blog, e-course, social media, YouTube videos, booking speaking engagements, list building, book writing, etc.) Rather, do the one thing that inspires the most passion.

If you love to interact with people online, then social media would be the priority. If your favorite thing to do is speak, then booking interviews and speaking engagements would be the priority. If you love getting in front of the camera, then a YouTube channel would be your best bet. You get the picture…

So, you can see now that when you let your passion guide you, you’ll have a lot more energy to do those things on your priority list. And when you pursue what you’re passionate about, it creates an upward spiral!

Finally, it’s important to understand that you are not Wonder Woman or Superman… and you should not put the pressure on yourself to think or act like you are a super hero.

While it’s true that you can have everything you desire, it’s not realistic to think you can do it all now and have it happen “yesterday.” So, lighten up on yourself, make peace with the fact you have 24 hours in a day and 7 days in a week; be willing to let things go or push projects into the future.

It’s okay that everything doesn’t happen immediately. You have an amazing journey ahead of you to accomplish all that you’re here to accomplish and be all that you’re here to be.

So, don’t miss out on today because you’re trying to do too many things at once. Instead, determine what’s most important now, and set out to live according to those priorities.

It may be difficult at first to say “no” to some things, but in the long run the payoff will far outweigh the temporary discomfort.

I’ve done this in my own life. And what I’ve discovered is… the more I say “no” to things that aren’t aligned with my priorities, the more ease, grace and success I experience. Rather than doing more – and pursuing every idea that pops into my mind – I’m doing fewer things that are more closely aligned with my priorities and the results have been far greater than trying to “do it all.”

So, I share these three tips in hopes they’ll help you put the power of priorities to work for you; 1) make sure your priorities are truly YOURS, 2) let your passion guide you, and 3) release the pressure to do everything now. All is well and you have all the time you need.


I’d love to hear how this article inspired you or how you keep priorities straight in your life. Comment Here

About the Author

Christine Kloser

Christine’s book writing programs have served more than 90,000 people in 127 countries.  She’s also published 650+ transformational authors and has been on the Top 100 Amazon, USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists herself. She is the Founder and CEO of Get Your Book Done and Capucia Publishing.

Interested in working with Christine and her team to get your book written and published, schedule a call with one of our Author Success Coaches to see if we're a good fit to work together.


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