Success Stories
What Our Clients and Leading Industry Experts are Saying
“You won’t believe what the final product looks like. You’ll read it and think, ‘Holy mackerel! I wrote that?’”

“More breakthroughs than I can count”
Get Your Book Done made it possible for me to be the woman I always hoped I could be. Christine’s powerful process – made possible by her razor sharp intuition – guided me every step of the way. Not only did I get my book done but I experienced more life-changing breakthroughs than I can count. I used to be a frustrated and doubtful aspiring author, but now my book is published and I’m pinching myself that I finally did it.
Veronica R. Lynch, PhD, LCSW
Author, Undocumeted
“My book was a bestseller for more than a year!”
“A place where I felt safe to write my story.”
Rebecca Whitecotton
Author, Pull Your Self Together

“Gained clarity on my book’s core message”
“For several years I had a nudge to write a book, but I had no idea what its content would be – nor how to go about writing it. I started jotting down notes but felt very much in the dark. I followed my intuition, signed up for Get Your Book Done, and stayed engaged in the process. Very quickly, I gained clarity on my book’s core message and title and even what my book cover would look like. This program was like having a book midwife from conception to birth! Without this program, my first book, Blossom, and my second book, Pleasure IQ, would not be here today…”
Carolin Hauser
Author, Blossom and Pleasure IQ
“More than just the nuts and bolts of publishing”
“Gave me the guidance and support that was missing.”
Shari Leid
Author, Make Your Mess Your Message

“The tools to write my book, step by step”
“I had 25 years of experience as a coach and leader, but when it came to writing my book, I had no idea where to start or how to do it. Get Your Book Done gave me the courage, structure, clarity and tools to write my book, step by step.
Plus, it was a huge benefit to be a part of the community of amazing team members and transformational authors. Without a doubt, had I not done Get Your Book Done, I wouldn’t be the purposeful and profitable author I am today. You owe it to yourself to do this.”
Sally Bendersky
Author, The Novel Entrepreneur
“Helped me go deep with why I wanted to write my book”
“Pushed me out of my comfort zone and toward my message.”
Ingrid Abild Pedersen
Author, Unmasked: A Triumphant Memoir of Recovery from Childhood Trauma, Eating Disorder, and PTSD

“Writing became super easy for me”
“The proven, methodical Get Your Book Done process takes authors from the first step to the last. I came to the program with an idea for a small pamphlet and ended up with a beautifully published book. In lieu of a forced formula like so many other writing programs, Get Your Book Done allowed the process to flow so naturally that writing became super easy for me. If you know you have a book (or more) inside you and feel it’s now time to release it to the world, I would highly recommend Get Your Book Done!”
Dr. Janet M. Bieschke
Author, I’m Sorry, I Love You,Goodbye
“Changed my life and my perspective”
“Helped me be more vulnerable and authentic.”
Shelyna Brown
Author, Preside: A Judge’s Guide to Unlocking Biblical Principles to Transform Your Life

“Showed me how to stay motivated for my entire book-writing journey”
I had reached a point where I needed to start all over with my manuscript and was finding the task completely daunting. Get Your Book Done gave me the expert guidance and the perfect environment to complete my task! The program showed me how to have an organized approach to the task and how to stay motivated for my entire book-writing journey. Thanks to Get Your Book Done, my book, 5 Must-Know Secrets for Today’s College Girl, is a beautiful reality, and it’s touching the lives of countless college women! The feedback I’ve received is beyond gratifying! Getting My Book Done has been a transformational experience! I am so grateful!”
Lauren Salamone
“More than just the nuts and bolts of writing and publishing”
“I have learned so much about myself.”
Mary St. Onge
Author, The Forever Days

“Allowed me to finish the book I had tried writing for years”
“I never could have imagined how having my book in print could make such a big difference in my life, but using the Get Your Book Done approach was the catalyst to completing The 78 Biggest Mistakes New Managers Make. This program’s guidance and insight into publishing allowed me to finish the book I had tried writing for years. Now that I’m published, the exposure is great, but the added income and confidence are what truly has made the difference.”
Marjorie Treu
Author, The 78 Biggest Mistakes New Managers Make
“Writing from who I really am”
“Helped me find my honest, real voice.”
Brad Stuart
Author, Facing Death

“I’m light years ahead of where I would’ve been doing it on my own”
“I’ve known for years that I wanted to write a book but lacked the clarity to make it happen. After going through some challenges, it was now time for me to finally do it. When I learned about Get Your Book Done, it felt like an answer to my prayers. I’ve surprised myself in the process, and am lightyears ahead of where I would’ve been doing it on my own. I probably wouldn’t have started yet. If you want to get your book done, register for the program. Get Your Book Done offers a chance of a lifetime to receive high quality, powerful coaching and support that will unleash your full potential.”
Wilma Grobbelaar
Forthcoming author, Butterfly Heart

“Now speaking internationally at industry conferences”
“If you’re looking for a program that is authentic, genuine and filled with heart and structure – Get Your Book Done is for you! I tried two other programs/coaches first. They both provided excellent self-awareness but did not provide me with the tools to support my dream of writing my book about resiliency and preventing burnout. After joining Get Your Book Done and working with Christine and her awesome team, I’m a proud published author and now speaking internationally at industry conferences.”
Beth Bennatti Kennedy
Author, Career ReCharge

“Write a Book That Has the Power to Transform…”
“If you want to write a book that has the power to transform you, your readers, your business, and the world—I highly recommend you work with Christine Kloser. She’s coached thousands of visionaries and entrepreneurs to write, publish and promote their books and I know she can help you, too.”
John Assaraf
New York Times Bestselling Author

“I Wrote My Book, Left My Job and Started a Mission-Driven Business”
“My life is completely different since working with Christine and going through her transformational author process. When we met, I was a government attorney who secretly talked to angels, and didn’t have the courage to leave my draining job to pursue my passion. Well, thanks to Christine, and Get Your Book Donet, I did it! I wrote my book, left my job and now work full-time in, and on, my mission-driven business!”
Lilia Shoshanna Rae
Author, The Art of Listening to Angels

“Sailed Through Finishing My Book”
“I was on the verge of throwing away my manuscript until I met you, Christine. Literally! I was discouraged and thought I’d never figure out how to write a truly great book. After following your system, I not only sailed through finishing that book, but I now have two books published with Hay House and I’m impacting lives around the world.”
Gerry Gavin
Author, Messages from Margaret & If You Could Talk to an Angel

“Ideal Solution for Anyone Struggling to Write a Book”
“Since I first met Christine in 2002, I’ve come to know her as a sincere, dedicated, ethical and grounded woman. She truly cares about helping people unfurl their mission in the form of a book. Christine also has a keen eye for what works, and a true gift for helping authors bring their positive messages into the light. She’s guided many authors to successful publication – and I’ve even represented a few of them. I whole-heartedly endorse Christine. She’s an ideal solution for anyone struggling to write a book to further their mission. Trust the process, trust Christine, and be open to her skillful input.”
Wendy Keller
Senior Literary Agent and Chief Talent Launcher, Keller Media

“Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program was the answer to my prayers to help me finally write my book.”
“I have to admit when Christine said her Get Your Book Done® program was like ‘paint-by-numbers’ for your book, I didn’t believe it. I wanted to write a book for years, and never made any progress; I was beginning to doubt I could EVER write my book.
Now, I thank God for bringing Christine into my life and making the steps for getting my book done simple and easy to follow. I still pinch myself that my book is published… not to mention the impact it’s having on readers, and the difference it’s made in myself and my business!! Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program was the answer to my prayers to help me finally get MY book done. Thank you, Christine!”
Doris Muna
Author, The Triangle of Health

“Nothing Is as Comprehensive as Get Your Book Done”
“By sheer luck, I found Christine Kloser and her Get Your Book Done program on Facebook after working on a book for three years on my own. I diligently listened to each module and took pages of notes. I would love to say one module was more important than another, but I literally used information from each one. In addition to GYBD, I read countless blogs and watched webinars, but nothing was as comprehensive as the information Christine Kloser provided in the Get Your Book Done modules. I’m thrilled to say my book, Living Life From The Inside Out, was released on March 2, 2018! The early sales were better than expected and the feedback has been positive. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in publishing a book. I’m glad I found this program and even happier to say I Got It Done!”
Jean-Ann Cooper
Author, Living Life From The Inside Out

“Empowered me to Succeed with Speed and Ease”
“Working with Christine was a game changer for me as an author and entrepreneur. It began with her powerful Transformation Quadrant, which made so much sense that I jumped straight into her Get Your Book Done Accelerator without thinking twice. I absolutely love the structure of the program and how it has empowered me to succeed with speed and ease.
I now have so much clarity, focus and productivity going on… while still having fun! In fact, my book is nearly finished. Christine’s coaching and guidance are priceless and I assure you the Get Your Book Done Accelerator is the most valuable, supporting, inspiring, and results-producing program you’ll find to help you write your book. I hope you’ll do what I did and jump straight in!”
Lou Niestadt
Forthcoming author, 28 Days of Joy

“You’ll Become an Empowered and Impactful Author”
“Christine Kloser provides top-notch training for writers who want to become successful doing what they love to do. Listen to her, follow her guidance, and—providing you act on it—you’ll become an empowred and impactful author.”
Marc Allen
President of New World Library Publisher of Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now

“Highly Recommended for New and Seasoned Authors”
“The Get Your Book Done program was precisely what I needed to help me complete my 5th book, It’s Simply Serendipity. I had set the intention for using THIS book to launch my career as a transformational author, and that is PRECISELY what it did. I would highly recommend Christine’s program to both new and seasoned authors.”
Cali Gilbert
Author, It’s Simply Serendipity

“The Simple Steps I Desperately Needed”
“Writing prose, with an outline and chapters seemed impossible since I am a very disorganized person who is also blind. I needed help writing my book and Christine’s Get Your Book Done program provided the simple steps I desperately needed. I not only began her program but I finished it and now I’m a published author. I still can’t believe it!”
Lauren Merryfield
Author, There’s More Than One Way to Be Okay

“The Information I Needed to Structure My Book”
“Going through Christine’s Get Your Book Done program not only gave me the information I needed to structure my book, but also of equal importance, provided the emotionally supportive guidance. I’m happy to say I’ve published my book! Wine, Sex and Suicide – My Near Death Divorce. Instead of just talking about my book for several more years… with this program my book is out there bringing hope to people around the world.”
Patty Blue Hayes
Author, Wine, Sex and Suicide

“I Received a Ton of Clarity About My Book”
“I’m so grateful Christine created such a powerful and sacred program for me to say YES! Yes to embracing all of me! Yes to the book that is being birthed through me! Yes to building my author platform with ease and grace in a way that honours who I am! In the Get Your Book Done program, she’s helped me do all that. I’ve received a ton of clarity about my book, and on top of that I’ve received so much focus, energy and enthusiasm for my business (and my life) more than I ever thought possible in six months.”
Leslie Bridger
Forthcoming author, Reclaim Your Self and Your Life

“Exponentially Grew My Business”
“I’m so grateful I found the Get Your Book Done program to write and publish my book! Since doing so, I wrote my book, became a published author and quickly established my authority as a top leader in my field. I sold 50,000+ copies of my book, and exponentially grew my business, yet best of all is that Christine’s powerful process completely transformed who I see myself to be in the world.”
Dallas Travers
Author, The Tao of Show Business

“I Achieved My Long-Held Goal”
“Christine’s Get Your Book Done Select was the game-changer between thinking about my book and now being a published author fulfilling my dream of doing lots of talks about my book! The incredible support and guidance I received helped me get through my own uncomfortable zone to achieve this long-held goal. I highly recommend Christine and this program. It’s the most supportive, fun, and powerful author program on the planet!”
Don Awalt
Author, The Uncomfortable Zone

“The Sky’s The Limit Now that My Book is Done”
“I made a promise to my late husband that I would write my/our book, and I desperately wanted to keep that promise. But I was stuck trying to figure it out on my own and struggled to find time to write. Thankfully, I joined Christine’s program, followed her transformational author process, wrote my book, became a best-seller and am now coaching people to transcend the death of their loved one… a legacy I’m grateful I found the time to create. My book is even being used by a college psychology professor as mandatory reading for his student. The sky’s the limit now that my book is done!”
Gail Saunders
Author, Resilient Heart

“Featured in Top Media Outlets”
“I knew for years I wanted to write a book, but I wasn’t sure what steps to take to accomplish that. So, I was relieved when I discovered Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program. Finally, I found someone who practically held me by the hand and showed me the step-by-step process for getting my book written and published in a way that would help me grow my business. Now, that I’m published, I’ve gained credibility in my business as The Dog Expert. It’s provided me the opportunity to be featured in top media outlets like Fox & Friends, ABC NEWS NOW, Animal Planet and now as a columnist for FIDO FRIENDLY magazine. It’s incredible to experience the difference being published has made.”
Sheryl Matthys
Author, Leashes and Lovers

“Pointed Me In The Right Direction”
“As a busy corporate consultant and Executive Coach working on an aggressive deadline to complete two pressing projects – writing my book and creating my workbook – I knew I needed a coach who could point me in the right direction and help me get it done. Christine was the coach who answered my prayers and worked with me through every twist and turn until we crossed the finish line. I’m so grateful to have found her, plan to use her and her team for my next book, and I know you will be too!”
Sue Salvemini
Author, Leadership by Choice Executive Coach (CPC, ELI-MP)
Founder & President, Focal Pointe Consulting Group, Inc.

“Jump Started My Book Writing Process”
“Christine’s Get Your Book Done program jump-started my book writing process at a time when I felt lost, stuck, and isolated. I could feel her heartfelt encouragement every step of the way. She’s like a best friend/mentor/soul sister nudging you forward, coaxing your message out of your heart and onto the page. I am so grateful for her service to transformational authors everywhere. I highly recommend her if you need support in birthing your book – and let’s face it – who doesn’t?”
Sandra Joseph
Record-Breaking Broadway Star
Best-Selling Author, Unmasking What Matters

“I Wrote and Published My Book”
“Working with Christine gave me the exact support, structure, coaching, and community I needed to finish the project of writing and publishing my book. As a surprise benefit of joining her program, I also experienced lasting personal healing, professional transformation, and quadrupled the number of clients I serve in my private practice. I’m not the same person I was before working with her, and the amazing people on her team and in her community!”
Ellen Monsees
Author, Lost and Found

“Filled with Heart… and Structure”
“If you’re looking for a coach (and program) that is authentic, genuine and filled with heart and structure – Christine’s program is for you! I tried two other coaches first. They both provided excellent self-awareness but did not provide me with the tools to support my dream of writing my book about preventing burnout, and resiliency. After working with Christine and her awesome team I’m a proud published author and now speaking internationally at industry conferences.”
Beth Bennatti Kennedy
Author, Career ReCharge

“My Saving Grace”
“When I decided to write a book to help spread my message and grow my business, I was already working 60+ hours a week to run my online school. I doubted I’d ever find the time to write my book! Christine’s process of transformational authorship was my saving grace. I found the time, wrote my book, became an Amazon bestseller, and am watching my business grow as a direct result of my book being out in the world.”
Beth Ellen Nash
Founder, Wings to Soar Academy Author, Dyslexia Outside-the-Box

“Publishing Deal and TEDx”
“Getting coached by Christine and using her proven process to write my book helped me secure a great publishing deal, get lots of media exposure including TEDx, and enjoy a booked-solid practice. I’m fulfilling my mission and helping mothers around the world improve their relationships with their teenage daughters. I even saw my book recently published in Chinese! I know none of this would have happened had it not been for working with Christine.”
Colleen O’Grady
Author, Dial Down the Drama

“Knew How to Get Me Where I Wanted to Go”
“Coaching with Christine is a gift that keeps on giving! I had already invested a lot of money with other coaches, but none of them were committed to my success like Christine is. I fired those coaches and started working with her because I knew she not only cared about me, but she also knew how to get me where I wanted to go. Oh, and Christine’s retreats are simply off the charts! If you have the chance to work with her, go for it!”
Heather Bartos, MD
Forthcoming author, Mindshift Medicine

“Relentless Belief in Me”
“My life changed the moment I met Christine. I had been paralyzed with publishing my book. It literally sat in my hard drive for three years gathering cyber dust. Working with Christine changed everything. With her relentless belief in me, I knew I could finally get published! And now, not only is that first book published, but my second one is too! I’m so grateful I met her when I did!”
Dr. Niki Elliott
Author, The Intuitive Mother & I Feel Your Pain

“Extremely Knowledgeable, Direct and Intuitive”
“I am so grateful I found Christine when I decided to write my book. When I discovered her Transformation Quadrant I immediately knew she was the best coach to help me achieve this goal – in a way that worked for me, and my business. She’s much more than an ‘author coach.’ Christine is an extremely knowledgeable, direct, and highly intuitive mentor.”
Ben Moss
Director, Sports & Entertainment Division, Compass & Forthcoming Author, The Real Estate Playbook for Pro Athletes