Client Success Story –Jacques Soine

“After struggling for 20 years to get my transformational book done, with Christine’s help it’s finally done.”
????????“Using Christine’s Get Your Book Done system enabled me to complete my first draft almost effortlessly, in less than two months, while balancing demanding work and family commitments. After agonizing over the same project for 20 years, it’s really satisfying to finally see my finished work available in the Amazon Kindle Store!

Christine has literally helped transform my life. Not only does her system work, she has a deep understanding of the challenges that writers face. The writing process has given me improved clarity on the transformational truths that under-pin my work as a Trainer and Coach. Getting my book done has boosted both my confidence and ability to reach a wider audience with my message. I help others to develop their potential, engage in personal transformation and connect with purpose. Being published opens so many doors to the fulfillment of this goal.

Renew-Your-MindMy book, “RENEW your Mind” contains the 4 Biblical Keys to Transform your Life. It includes powerful principles and practices, backed by over 90 scriptural quotes, to help you on your journey.”

Jacques Soine
South Africa
Author, “RENEW your Mind”

About the Author

Christine Kloser

Christine’s book writing programs have served more than 90,000 people in 127 countries.  She’s also published 650+ transformational authors and has been on the Top 100 Amazon, USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists herself. She is the Founder and CEO of Get Your Book Done and Capucia Publishing.

Interested in working with Christine and her team to get your book written and published, schedule a call with one of our Author Success Coaches to see if we're a good fit to work together.


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