[Weekend Reading]  Introducing Cathy, Susan, and Laurie

I’m so excited to bring you this November edition of my “Weekend Reading” series.

These authors – Cathy, Susan, and Laurie – are amazing people I’ve coached and mentored… or have published through my publishing company, Capucia LLC.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover inside their books…

  • How does a mother survive the trauma of domestic violence, including family substance abuse and mental illness?
  • If your life isn’t everything you’d like it to be READ ON …
  • Do you ever feel like you keep dating the same person over and over? You probably are!

Learn more about these great books below and be sure to order a copy of the books that spark your interest!

Happy reading…


When Life Hands You Lemons, Pucker Up and Sing
By Cathy Massengale

Cathy Lynn Massengale’s rejection of a “why me” attitude was the catalyst that transformed her from a victim to a survivor and advocate.

When Life Hands You Lemons, Pucker Up and Sing is a riveting story of resiliency and reflection.  Readers will Explore the nature of trauma-induced growth, distinguish the many faces of domestic violence, and discover integrative self-help tools.

Grab your copy here.

Breathe Into Wisdom
By Susan Rothfuss

Are there changes you want to make in your life, but don’t know where to begin?

Are you tired of being a victim instead of the heroine or hero in your own life story?

Would you like to create your own reality?

If you answered yes, to even one of these questions, learning to breathe into your own wisdom will introduce you to new practice to take steps into your highest and best life.

Grab your copy here.


Love Beats
By Laurie Winn

Love energy is the reason it is so difficult to let go of old flames that can kill a new relationship.

You may think of energy as physical movement, but it’s much more. Energy is thought, intent, your reaction to thoughts, actions and impulses. Energy is created in everything you do, because you are energy.

This book offers a fresh perspective on love relationships. This memoir is a spiritual journey of the heart that explores the five different love energies—–Safe Love, Diluted Love, Dark Love, Divine Love and Forever Love.

Grab your copy here.



At one point these authors’ books were only a dream.  A distant yearning that someday they would become a published author.   And they did it!!   I’m so proud of them…

I’m sure they’d appreciate reading your “props and kudos” so give them a shout out in the comments!

I’d love to hear your thoughts too… do you have a book inside you?

And of course, if you need help writing and publishing your transformational book, here are a few ways I can help…

Get my FREE Book “The Transformation Quadrant”
“How To ‘Blueprint’ Your Book in 15 Minutes or Less!”

Get your book published with our Boutique Publishing Services.
Everything authors need to get their manuscript edited, designed, and published like a pro.

Okay… comment below and show Cathy, Susan, and Laurie some love!


About the Author

Christine Kloser

Christine’s book writing programs have served more than 90,000 people in 127 countries.  She’s also published 650+ transformational authors and has been on the Top 100 Amazon, USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists herself. She is the Founder and CEO of Get Your Book Done and Capucia Publishing.

Interested in working with Christine and her team to get your book written and published, schedule a call with one of our Author Success Coaches to see if we're a good fit to work together.


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