The Power of Commitment – Your Key for 2019

New Year’s Eve is upon us.  And it is very important to be aware of the massive shift arriving in a matter of hours with the ringing in of 2019.

If you thought 2018 was a wild ride, just wait until you see what’s brewing for the coming year.

Whether you survive – or THRIVE – in this new year of rapid expansion depends on where your commitments lie and how deeply you honor those commitments.

Mind you, the types of commitments I’m referring to are more about your beliefs, mindset and way of being in the world, rather than mindless tasks to check off your list.

Let me explain…

2019 is slated to be a year where everything will accelerate and expand even more rapidly than it did in 2018.

Some people (hopefully not you) will feel like they’re being dragged through the mud.  Or worst, like they are hanging on to a fast-moving vehicle on a bumpy road being dragged behind it and getting bumped and bruised every inch of the way.

That’s one way you could go through 2019 if you’re not careful how you approach it – and how you are supported through it -to honor your commitments.

There will be others who energetically rise above the noise, fear, suffering, and heaviness of all that happens on Earth next year.

These are the people who are committed to raising their consciousness, focusing on that which they want to create, releasing what’s holding them back, and being courageous in letting their bright light shine.

Which path do you want to take?

The supposedly “easy” path that doesn’t involve effort, focus, discomfort, asking for help, and discipline – but gets you bumped, bruised and beat up in the process….


The “more difficult” path of focus, discipline, courage, vulnerability and commitments that are honored (even when it’s tough) – but brings you more joy, abundance, creativity, love and ENERGY!

I hope you choose the latter.

This is the road I am taking and have already begun – partly by choice, and partly by necessity.

After more than a decade of experiencing various degrees of physical pain and not finding any permanent solution, I made the powerful choice to begin working with a Functional Medicine doctor this month.

He ordered a ton of tests which showed that I’ve been suffering from numerous undiagnosed food allergies that have contributed to a compromised autoimmune system.

The first step on my healing journey is an intense elimination diet.   When I found out all of the foods I wouldn’t be able to eat (for the first six weeks) I burst into tears.

I honestly couldn’t see how I would manage four family gatherings, three weeks of travel, holiday entertaining, etc. amidst all the other usual year end and Christmas activities….  while also establishing a new highly restricted diet.

That night (December 19) after coming home from five hours at the doctor’s office, I had a decision to make.

Would I have the strength to commit to doing this for myself… and honor it no matter how difficult it felt?   Or would I fail because my commitment wasn’t stronger than the my taste buds and cravings?

I was at a crossroads.

Just like I mentioned above.  The “easy” way would have been to partly commit and still enjoy a bit of decadence here and there… which would delay my healing process.  The “more difficult” path was to jump in 100% and do this to start 2019 already solidly on my healing journey.

Just like I hope you do in 2019… I chose the latter, “more difficult” yet more REWARDING path!   And I celebrate that today is Day 11 of no grains, dairy, eggs, nuts, seeds, sugar, beans, black pepper, and so much more.

I also celebrate that I’ve discovered some amazing new recipes and have been cooking a ton!

I haven’t noticed any physical changes yet.  The doctor says it requires patience, discipline and time.

But I have noticed how much better I feel about making this commitment and keeping it, amidst delicious holiday meals being served all around me.

This is a commitment I know has the power to transform my life and it’s a commitment I will see through because I want to feel amazing again in my body and have the energy to pursue my dreams.

So, what will you commit to?

What’s been nagging at you for years that you know it is time to do something about?

What change will help YOU live, breathe, walk, talk, eat and sleep like the amazing light-filled being you truly are?

These are the types of commitments 2019 is asking of you.

Please share one of your commitments in the comments below.  I can’t wait to hear from you!

One of mine is to take a risk, get uncomfortable and do something I haven’t ever done before in my author-centric business.

I am following a “nudge” to develop a sacred, creative sanctuary for WOMEN-ONLY CREATIVES, AUTHORS AND LEADERS.   It will be a space for high-vibe women to be supported by me and a like-minded community to create their next level life’s work (their book, business, program, event, speech, non-profit, mission, legacy, etc.)

It’s called C.A.L.M for Women!

C.A.L.M. is an acronym for Creative (and Connected, Conscious, Courageous, etc.) Author and Leader Mastermind.

I can’t wait to tell you about it soon…

So how about you?

How will you commit, risk, and/or get uncomfortable to create your best year ever?   I look forward to reading your comments below!

Happy New Year!




About the Author

Christine Kloser

Christine’s book writing programs have served more than 90,000 people in 127 countries.  She’s also published 650+ transformational authors and has been on the Top 100 Amazon, USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists herself. She is the Founder and CEO of Get Your Book Done and Capucia Publishing.

Interested in working with Christine and her team to get your book written and published, schedule a call with one of our Author Success Coaches to see if we're a good fit to work together.


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