If You Struggle With Getting Your Book Out Of Your Head and Onto the Page…

Watch as your book flows out of you effortlessly and naturally…in a matter of months, not years!

Hi, I’m Christine Kloser, a USA Today and Wall Street Journal Best-Selling Author, Award-Winning Publisher and Transformational Author Coach. I want to help you get your book out of your head, heart and soul… and on to the printed page where you’ll inspire, impact and transform the lives of your readers and the world.

Over the past decade, I’ve trained thousands of authors to start, write and finish their transformational, self-help and how-to books… sometimes in as little as 30 days. I use my proven, proprietary, trademarked method that naturally draws the book out from the author… so they can easily start – and finish – writing their book.


A Proven & Trademarked Book Writing Approach That Helps You Relax And Write Naturally

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Authors who used my method have appeared on major media like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNBC, FOX and even Oprah… others were covered in TimeBusiness Week and New York Times… and some have quadrupled their business to six or close to seven-figures.

And I’m not just a coach and mentor… I’ve done this myself as well!

Personally, I am a four-time award-winning author, I’ve had my own books featured in major media including Entrepreneur Magazine, Fox News, ABC, Los Angeles Times, and more. I’ve spoken to audiences across the United States, and to thousands via radio shows and podcasts around the world. I’ve published multiple best-sellers including lists like USA Today, Wall Street Journeal and Top 100 overall for Amazon print books! And my work has been personally endorsed by New York Times best-selling authors Neale Donald Walsch, Lisa Nichols, Gay Hendricks, Marcia Weider, John Assaraff, SARK,  and many more.

As a coach, I’ve trained more than 80,000 aspiring authors. They come from all walks of life. From coaches to CEO’s… leadership experts to retirees in transition… medical doctors and lawyers to therapists and practitioners… even, dog trainers! (And everything in between.)

I want to be clear on a few things. This isn’t a program or training that forces you to write like mad for three days straight and then spit out a crummy book.

This also isn’t some step-by-step, formulaic template where you end up writing a cookie-cutter book. There are many of these “systems” being touted these days. I’m not for that. A set of strict rules and high pressure timelines will only snuff out your creative spirit.

I’m not interested in forcing yourself to write fast. Not if it sacrifices your true message. Not if you lose control over what you truly, authentically want to share with the world.

I’m against this, because chances are…

You may have already tried workshops, programs, courses, seminars, retreats, groups, clubs, partners… and most of them (if not all) didn’t work out for you!


What I’m about to share with you is a carefully-crafted coaching program for aspiring authors (like yourself), that includes…

A proven process with tons of room for you to fully explore, discover and express your powerful and unique message…

Clear action-guides with easy-to-follow, “ paint by numbers” steps… but with the freedom to break off the beaten path when you need to…

I promise you…

This is the most organic, natural and soul -satisfying way to write a book that I know of. And for you as a self-help, transformational, how-to or business author… It is necessary for you to write in a way that lets you b-r-e-a-t-h-e… And what’s more, included in this program is…

A real, live person who I’ve personally hired to keep you on track! This person will check up on you if you get stuck in the program. We won’t let you slip through the cracks! (Yes, you get emails and if needed, an  occasional phone call checking in on you)! For any writer or aspiring writer on earth…

You know how INVALUABLE this is!

But that’s not the best part of this entire program…


Here’s what makes this program special…

I’ve created this program with a sprinkling of guided meditation and directed visualization to help you tap into the power of your subconscious mind…

So you automatically start writing your book naturally and effortlessly.

And this works even if you don’t believe in “meditation”, or “new age-y stuff”. I guarantee it.

It’s as if you “flip on a switch” in the recesses of your mind…

And trigger all the resources you’ll need to start, write and finish your book.

Basically, I’ve set it up so you will write your book…


Even if you’re not clear on what you want to write yet…

Even if you’re struggling with negative self-talk, self-doubts and emotional limits…

Even if you work 50 hour weeks, run a business or have children to take care of…

That’s how powerful this program is.

You don’t have to take my word for it.


“Nothing Is as Comprehensive as Get Your Book Done”

“By sheer luck, I found Christine Kloser and her Get Your Book Done program on Facebook after working on a book for three years on my own. I diligently listened to each module and took pages of notes. I would love to say one module was more important than another, but I literally used information from each one. In addition to GYBD, I read countless blogs and watched webinars, but nothing was as comprehensive as the information Christine Kloser provided in the Get Your Book Done modules. I’m thrilled to say my book, Living Life From The Inside Out, was released on March 2, 2018! The early sales were  better than expected and the feedback has been positive. I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in publishing a book. I’m glad I found this program and even happier to say I Got It Done!”

Jean-Ann Cooper
Author, Living Life From The Inside Out

“Featured in Top Media Outlets”

“I knew for years I wanted to write a book, but I wasn’t sure what steps to take to accomplish that. So, I was relieved when I discovered Christine’s Get Your Book Done® program. Finally, I found someone who practically held me by the hand and showed me the step-by-step process for getting my book written and published in a way that would help me grow my business. Now, that I’m published, I’ve gained credibility in my business as The Dog Expert. It’s provided me the opportunity to be featured in top media outlets like Fox & Friends, ABC NEWS NOW, Animal Planet and now as a columnist for FIDO FRIENDLY magazine. It’s incredible to experience the difference being published has made.”

Sheryl Matthys
Author, Leashes and Lovers

“Like Having a Book Midwife from Conception to Birth”

“For several years I had a nudge to write a book, but I had no idea what its content would be – nor how to go about writing it. I started jotting down notes but felt very much in the dark. Then one morning an email with the subject line: Want to get your book done? appeared out of nowhere, and it felt to me like it was a God-send. I followed my intuition, signed up for Get Your Book Done and stayed engaged in the process. Very quickly I gained clarity on my book’s core message and title, and even what my book cover would look like. This program was like having a book midwife from conception to birth! Without Christine and her program my first book, Blossom, and my second book, Pleasure IQ, would not be here today…”

Carolin Hauser
Author, Blossom and Pleasure IQ


You want to write a book. It’s inside you. The desire is there…

But you simply can’t. There’s resistance. Some sort of block. A struggle. And you can’t explain it.

The trouble is…

As a transformational author — whether you’re writing a business, relationship, health, how-to, self-help or inspirational book — you’re doing something drastically different than other “aspiring writers” out there.

Lots of people dream of writing the next Great American Novel. So a lot of the training out there is catered to fiction writers. And that doesn’t help you, the transformational author!

Now — if I personally had to break down all the typical problems transformational authors face… (after working intimately with thousands of them since 2004)… I would say there are three main challenges.


You probably have enough expertise, experience and stories to fill up volumes of books. An entire set of encyclopedias, even. So…

  • How do you choose which topic to focus on? Which subject? What ideas?
  • What do you put into your book and what do you leave out?
  • How do you structure everything so it flows from one chapter to the next?

You have a message you want to share with the world… but how do you know what you have to say is even worth saying?

  • What do you do when there are already hundreds of books on your subject matter, topic or genre?
  • How do you compete against bestselling authors, celebrities and people who seem to have more experience than you?
  • How can you sit down, power through and write when negative self-talk, lack of confidence and limiting beliefs crowd your brain — paralyzing you?

 Most aspiring writers are working day jobs, running businesses, taking care of children or doing a million other things… like getting distracted by email, social media and endless research.

  • So where do you find the time to write?
  • How do you find the energy when you’re dead tired?
  • Do you wake up earlier or stay up later?

And this gets worse when…

All three challenges start running into each other. It’s like your emotions are on a pendulum.

You’re swinging from overwhelm (I have too much to share)… to doubt (my stuff isn’t good enough)… then over to guilt and regret (I don’t have time to write!)…

I call this…

The Pendulum of Paralysis

It swings back and forth, back and forth. And you end up never writing your book because you can’t stop the pendulum!

But the good news is you can stop the never-ending swinging between overwhelm, doubt and regret… and finally sit down to write your book with focused energy. There are three crucial steps you must take…


1. Get Crystal Clear On Your Message

It sounds obvious when I say it like that. But if you can’t speak clearly about your book, what it covers  and exactly who it helps in three minutes… this is one of the reasons why you’re struggling to write your book.

In a moment, I’ll show you how you can uncover your true message by doing some guided “soul searching”. But first, the next step…

2. Remove Blocks, Limits And Barriers

Of all the different types of people in the world, writers are probably more fearful of rejection than others. And yet… they are the exact same types of people who willingly expose themselves, their lives and wisdom to the world!

No wonder writers have trouble writing!

If you’re constantly facing “the negative voices” in your head, self-doubt or fears… to the point of not getting your thoughts down in a free and authentic way… you will never get your book done in a way you’re satisfied with!

My program will show you how to reach inside of yourself, and almost permanently remove these false beliefs…

3. Write Naturally and Effortlessly So Every Extra Minute Counts

Once we’ve gotten clarity on your message… and removed blocks… you’ll discover an inner drive unlike anything you’ve experienced before. It will push you forward and pull you towards your goal of finishing a book.

You will find every extra minute, hour or block of time you can… and feel motivated to write even if you’re tired, exhausted or stressed out from your day… it will become a laser-focused passion that burns inside of you.

And that’s how you can write your book in a few months… rather than a few years.

Of course, there are a few more details inside each step… but this is the foundation.

I’ve taught this exact program to thousands of authors now. Many are published. Many have appeared on major media and spoken on stages around the world. Several have built successful 6- and even 7-figure businesses. Others have fulfilled their legacy.

Now it’s your turn…


Get Your Book Done

The Proven System For Writing Your Transformational Book…
In As Little as 90 Days


After training more than 80,000 authors, personal helping hundreds get published, and interviewing more than 125 best-selling authors and experts in our industry —

I’ve carefully refined the Get Your Book Done® program to what it is today.

It’s in twelve simple, step-by-step modules. Most modules have three to seven “lessons” you can easily check-off in a week’s time, devoting just a few hours a week.

By the time you’ve done your week’s “work” (if you can even call it that)… you’ll be surprised at how productive and empowering the time was.

It will be as if you’re writing your book consistently and naturally as I walk you through carefully crafted guided processes and simple action-oriented exercises… all laid out for you in clear, easy-to-follow steps.

But this isn’t about formulas! We simply use “formulas” as guiding lights on the writing journey.

The Get Your Book Done® program digs deep into your inner being, your heart, your soul — and guides you to writing a book that’s true to you and the change you want to bring forth in the world.

Here’s a summary of what you’ll experience as you go through the Get Your Book Done® program…

Twelve (12) Comprehensive Training Modules with 44 Video Lessons

(Valued at $997)

Forty-Four (44) Easy-To-Follow Action Guides

(Valued at $997)

LIFETIME ACCESS So You Can Use It For Future Books Too!

(Valued at $997)


“You’ll Become an Empowered and Impactful Author”

“Christine Kloser provides top-notch training for writers who want to become successful doing what they love to do. Listen to her, follow her guidance, and—providing you act on it—you’ll become an empowred and impactful author.”

Marc Allen
President of New World Library Publisher of Eckhart Tolle’s Power of Now 

“Knows How To Make Writing A Book So Much Easier”

“I wish I had Christine as my transformational author coach when I first got started with my book. She knows how to make writing a book so much easier!”

Lisa Nichols
New York Times Best Selling Author

“Brings The Best Out Of You”

“Christine knows exactly the right questions to bring out the best in you and what you’re here to share. She’s up to great things, and if you have the chance to get coached by her to write your book, I highly recommend you do.”

Gay Hendricks, PhD
New York Times Bestselling Author


As you explore the different modules on this webpage, imagine what it will be like for yourself, personally writing your book with the help of the Get Your Book Done® program…
(This in and of itself is a powerful exercise to start “writing your book” in your mind)…


Laying a Strong Foundation for Your Book’s Success

How To Get Your Best Ideas To Start Flowing Out Of You


You’re about to embark on an amazing journey and I’m here to guide you every step of the way. You don’t have to do this alone! In this first module, we’re going to lay the groundwork, pour the foundation.

By the end of it, you’ll be able to write more easily, faster… without wasting time, money or energy. You’ll know exactly what you need to do to create your best book possible. It will be a true representation and reflection of you.

During this module, you’ll also discover…

  • How to develop a real, genuine and authentic relationship with your readers… to “shift” their lives, impact them at a profound, positive level… and transform them…
  • The worst possible reason to write a book — and how it will tax your soul for years to come… (I personally lost years and half-a-million dollars by making this one mistake, before I figured it out)!
  • A critical and necessary process – which if ignored or done wrong – can and will lead to everything falling flat in your book. You’ll have a harder time writing it and fewer people will want to read it.
  • One simple word change in your writing that could get people writing and emailing you — thanking you for changing their lives… or if ignored, creating complete disconnect with your readers.
  • A sure way to build up so much inner strength — you will fend off the negative self-talk, limiting beliefs and the self-doubting voices. (With this, it’s like you have a “mute” button for your “monkey mind”)!


Honing a Message That Gets Your Book Noticed

Get Crystal Clear on Your Message Using Questions


Now that we’ve created a solid ground beneath your book… we’re going to start chipping away at the big marble slab to uncover your masterpiece.

You may have a flood of ideas, or very little. You may have a million thoughts, or a few key ones. The question here is… which one do you start with and which ones do you shelve for future books?

That’s what this module is about. You’ll sharpen, refine and hone your message until there is crystal clarity on what you want to convey to the world, what you want to say. What value, purpose and impact you want to have.

In this module, you’ll also discover…

  • The two most important questions to guide your writing forward. You’ll go through a powerful “street language” exercise to uncover your most valuable message — what you’ll write about.
  • A “backwards” exercise that may seem strange when writing your book… but if done properly, leads you to the purist clarity of message… freeing you to write with ease.
  • 250-300 words you must write now, before writing a single word in your “actual book”. This small sum of words could mean the difference between success or failure. Yes, these 250-300 words can make or break your book.
  • A funny, but powerful reason why you should write your title, subtitle and what goes on the back cover of your book now… And not after you’ve written your book.


Book Marketing Essentials… Before You Write

Why You’re NOT Prematurely Thinking Ahead By Planning Your Marketing


You may be thinking, “we’re only in module three and we’re talking about marketing”?! Don’t be surprised. It may seem counter-intuitive we’re talking about branding, platforms, and building a business around your book… but I can assure you, NOW is the time to do it.

Why? Because you’ll want to make sure everything is set up for your book to succeed the moment it’s published. Think of it this way… do you build your house before you build a foundation? Absolutely not!

Yes, I know… you’re going to get looks from your friends, family and colleagues. They may even accuse you of being a “dreamer” who’s acting prematurely by planning for your book-based business before the book is written.. Don’t worry about them.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this module…

  • The secrets of how to build a platform — that’s “publishing speak” for having fans, followers and evangelists… even before you write your book!
  • Why “branding” matters, but not in the way you think. I had a young yoga teacher crying in public when she found out how wrong she’d done this…
  • How to create additional income streams from your book. Most authors don’t realize that selling books often doesn’t make a whole lot of money.  Here, I’ll show you how to build a six or seven figure income “working around that.”


Protecting Your Intellectual Property

Yes, You Can Trademark Your Teachings (It’s easy)


Here’s what we’ll cover in this module…

  • Why you want to look into trademarking your “technology”. (And I don’t mean an invention, design or machine!). What I’m talking about here is your expertise— how you can protect your knowledge as a process, system, formula or blueprint
  • Not sure if you have a “technology”? You do. I’ll show you seven different ways to look at what you teach and how you can turn it into something you can trademark and make additional income from!
  • What if the URL for your book title is taken? Here’s how to remedy that cheaply and effectively


Critical Research to Make Your Book it’s Best

Four Things You Need To Check Before You Start Writing Your Book


As a transformational author, you don’t have to do much research outside yourself. The main way of writing your book is to dig in, soul search and allow your message to flow onto the paper.  After all, we’re talking about your experience, skill, talent, stories and wisdom here.

However — there are four pieces of research you must take care of in spite of that. In this module, I’ll tell you what they each are and why you must go “outside yourself” to ensure the success of your book.

Here are a few things we’ll cover in this module…

  • The four crucial facts that will ensure your book sells well once it’s published.
  • How to reverse engineer the current bestselling books and borrow their strategies without compromising your unique message. We’re not stealing details or plagiarizing here, we are borrowing principles and making them your own
  • A fun and simple exercise that will help you lay the groundwork for an irresistible book cover. Now —you may say, “Isn’t that my publisher’s job? Shouldn’t they be hiring a graphic designer for me?”… Well, yes and no. A bad cover can ruin book sales, so it’s your job to protect your baby and add your input.
  • How to structure your book so you’ll know exactly what to write from one chapter to the next. You’ll never stare at a blank page and wonder what to do ever again!


How to Organize and Outline Your Book…

Give Your Book a Clear Road Map So The Writing Is Easy


By this time in the program, you’ve done a lot of brainstorming, clarifying, and building a focused vision for your book… so now it’s time to map it all out. This will be the most exciting module for you, in my opinion. It’s been the most fun for me every time I write a book. We’re going to take all those ideas, thoughts, stories, quotes, bits of paper, reams of research and more…

And we’re going to lay it all out and put it back together in such a compelling way, you’ll write your book naturally and effortlessly. If the first few modules were about creating a “North Star” for your message… this module is about you building a “road map”.

When we’re done, you’ll never suffer from writer’s block, negative beliefs or self-doubts. You’ll simply know exactly how to write your book. Now, don’t believe for a second you’re pouring concrete and you can’t change things… absolutely not. This is more like a clear, suggested path that keeps you on track.



The Writing Journey

One Size Doesn’t Fit All (Find Your Writing Style)


Every author writes differently. Some write at night after putting their kids to bed. Others wake up super-early. Some write in short 15- minute bursts whenever they can. Others need to write in “blocks” or chunks… while a few need to escape for a day somewhere.

Every writer is different. This module is about finding out those differences and figuring what works best for you.

We’ll cover writing styles, two simple tools to bypass “writer’s block”, finding your focus so you don’t get lost (and get stuck with endless revisions), and other proven ways to move forward with your writing (even when you don’t “feel inspired”.)



Let The Writing Begin

Breaking the Myths on “Finding Time To Write”


OK – Here’s where the rubber hits the road. In this module, I’ll give you some of my best tips for breaking through the “No time to write” challenge. Tips like…

  • A nine-step system to get in “the zone” so you can write effortlessly and naturally
  • A strategy to get seven chapters done in seven days
  • Writing music — should you or shouldn’t you listen… and what kind?
  • Should you write one hour a day or in 3-hour chunks? What will get you the most results?
  • What’s the best time to write? It’s not what your gut is telling you right now
  • How long should your book be?

And much, much more…



Keep Going

Staying on Track to the Very Last Word…


You’ve probably heard this phrase from bicyclists, marathon runners and Olympic athletes before… but it’s worth hearing again and again as we get into the final stretch of writing your inspirational, transformational book.

“It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish.”

This module is where I’ll be guiding you, encouraging you, nudging you, and coaching until you get the entire first draft written. I’ll also give you some effective strategies that I’ve personally taught… and have helped hundreds of aspiring authors become published authors.


Understanding the Publishing Process…

What’s Working In Publishing Today?


The first Kindle was released in 2007. It’s hard to believe how huge of an impact this little device has had on our industry. Today, nearly 2 million new titles are self-published… each and every year. There are “Kindle Millionaires.” And it’s as easy as uploading your document on to Amazon.

But — that doesn’t guarantee success. Truth is, publishing is more complicated than ever and still filled with a lot of empty promises. Both in traditional and self-publishing. And this module’s job is to protect you from all the pitfalls and challenges.

You’ll discover the top three publishing models today… how to choose the right one for you… and what you can expect based on which path you choose.



Putting it All Together

The Final Checklist Before Launch…


We’re close to countdown before you’re done writing and ready for publishing. What are the final things to take care of? Layered editing, peer reviews and endorsements are definitely some (I’ll show you how I got Neale Donald Walsch to give me a glowing foreword for my book, The Freedom Formula…)

We’ll also talk about dedications, forewords, acknowledgments and introductions. Should you have them? How do you get them? Who do you include?

But most importantly — since we’re transformational authors — looking to turn this book into a coaching, consulting or related business… there are three unique pages at the end of the book you must include to fully leverage the power of a book. You don’t want to forget these… and you definitely don’t want the publisher to take them out without a fight first.



Bringing Your Book to Life

You Are Not Alone!


So you’ve written your book, you’ve published and it’s starting to sell. Is that it? Of course not. Giving birth to your book is just the first of many phases as a newly minted author. There are many more to come.  With this final module you’ll be empowered to succeed in a league of its own:  published authors.

This module is about reminding you that you’re not alone while showing you a great vehicle to get visibility for your book. Promoting, marketing and selling your book may present challenges, but with this final module you’ll be empowered to succeed in a league of its own:  published authors.

You’re now part of the community.



“Pointed Me In The Right Direction”

“As a busy corporate consultant and Executive Coach working on an aggressive deadline to complete two pressing projects – writing my book and creating my workbook – I knew I needed a coach who could point me in the right direction and help me get it done. Christine was the coach who answered my prayers and worked with me through every twist and turn until we crossed the finish line. I’m so grateful to have found her, plan to use her and her team for my next book, and I know you will be too!”

Sue Salvemini
Author, Leadership by Choice 

“I Achieved My Long-Held Goal”

“Christine’s Get Your Book Done Select was the game-changer between thinking about my book and now being a published author fulfilling my dream of doing lots of talks about my book! The incredible support and guidance I received helped me get through my own uncomfortable zone to achieve this long-held goal.  I highly recommend Christine and this program. It’s the most supportive, fun, and powerful author program on the planet!”

Don Awalt
Author, The Uncomfortable Zone

“The Simple Steps I Desperately Needed”

“Writing prose, with an outline and chapters seemed impossible since I am a very disorganized person who is also blind.  I needed help writing my book and Christine’s Get Your Book Done program provided the simple steps I desperately needed.  I not only began her program but I finished it and now I’m a published author.  I still can’t believe it!”

Lauren Merryfield
Author, There’s More Than One Way to Be Okay


If you add it all up, everything in the Get Your Book Done® program, all the training modules, lessons, and action guides is worth a total of $2,991.

Now, I personally think that’s is a bargain for what the Get Your Book Done® program can do for you.

I believe that for several reasons.

One, I’ve seen too many people pay a lot more than that (as much as $30,000) for “book coaching” with zero to show for you.

Two, there is NOTHING (and I mean nothing) like this available for the transformational author space.

Three, it’s not a question of money. When I introduced the original Get Your Book Done® program in 2007, people paid as much as $12,500 for it.

The real question you need to ask yourself is…

Can you seriously put a price on the lives you will impact, inspire, transform and forever, irrevocably change for the better?

Think about what you do as a transformational author… as someone who shows the world a better way….


What is the cost of a saved marriage?


What is the cost of reversing or even healing a disease naturally?


What is the cost of finally finding inner peace?


What is the cost of living your best life?


What is the cost of an exciting career change?

The exercise would be pointless. Let’s say your book helps a thousand people. Would every life changed be worth $5.98?

No — money is the wrong question.

However — I know it matters personally. I know until we start impacting lives, it’s sometimes difficult to justify the investment.

And of course… money can get tight at time. And I want as many aspiring writers as possible taking advantage of Get Your Book Done.


I know you’re serious about writing your transformational book…

I know you want to transform lives with your message…

I know you’re here to make your difference….

I’m right there with you.

And that’s why I’m putting everything together and providing you with a generous discount of 50% off! And when you truly think about the value of investing in the Get Your Book Done® program…

You’ll realize, it’s less than… all the paper, ink, notebooks and Starbucks you’ve consumed (or will consume) in writing your book.

However — I’m all about giving you more and more value… EVEN AFTER I’ve reduced the price of your investment in Get Your Book Done®.

That’s why…


“Publishing Deal and TEDx”

“Getting coached by Christine and using her proven process to write my book helped me secure a great publishing deal, get lots of media exposure including TEDx, and enjoy a booked-solid practice. I’m fulfilling my mission and helping mothers around the world improve their relationships with their teenage daughters. I even saw my book recently published in Chinese! I know none of this would have happened had it not been for working with Christine.”

Colleen O’Grady 
Author, Dial Down the Drama

“Christine is the Best in the Field”

“I don’t know how Christine does it, but in less than an hour with her, , she helped me make sense of all the book ideas that had been rolling around in my head for years. I am so grateful I found her and signed up for Get Your Book Done .  As a Superior Court Judge, of course I did my due diligence when it came to choosing the right coach and program. And, I have no doubt Christine is the best in the field.  Not only is she a wise and knowledgeable coach, but I know she has my back. Better yet she believes in my book as much as I do and is by my side to help me get it done. I highly recommend you sign up too.”

Hon. Shelyna Brown
Forthcoming author, Preside Over Your Life

“Filled with Heart… and Structure”

“If you’re looking for a coach (and program) that is authentic, genuine and filled with heart and structure – Christine’s program is for you! I tried two other coaches first. They both provided excellent self-awareness but did not provide me with the tools to support my dream of writing my book about preventing burnout, and resiliency. After working with Christine and her awesome team I’m a proud published author and now speaking internationally at industry conferences.” 

Beth Bennatti Kennedy
Author, Career ReCharge


When you register today…

In addition to the Get Your Book Done® modules, lessons, and action guides you’ll also get…


$1000 Ticket to My Next 3-Day LIVE Transformational Author Experience

Guaranteed Breakthroughs that Expand Your Life, Book and Business

This is where you’ll Experience on the spot Breakthroughs and Transformations that will impact your life, book and/or business of years and decades to come. Since 2013 authors from around the world have gathered at this legendary and life-changing event to break through blocks to their success as an author. I use my proprietary Intuitive Facilitation® process that guarantees you’ll get exactly what you need on your individual author journey!  


Free Access to the “Prime Your Mind for Writing” App

“Rewire” Your Brain in Only 3 Minutes a Day to Get Unstuck and Write With Ease

“Prime Your Mind for Writing” is my powerful scientifically-backed mindset tool carefully crafted to help you write your book with clarity, freedom and speed.  After more than a decade coaching and mentoring transformational authors, I’ve distilled down the essential mindset shifts necessary to write with ease.  And, I’ve partnered with the experts at Positive Prime to deliver these mindset shifts to you via their life-changing technology in as little as three minutes a day.


5 Hours of Exclusive Training from Top Publishing Industry Leaders

Get Expert Strategies on Writing, Publishing and Marketing Your Book

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A collection of five hours of exclusive training from top publishing industry leaders…

Imagine sitting down for an intimate conversation with Eckhart Tolle’s publisher, Jack Canfield’s literary agent and three New York Times and Amazon best-selling authors.
One who has sold more than 25 million copies world-wide. You’d learn a few things that can shape the future of your writing, publishing and marketing journey.

With this bonus, that’s exactly what you’ll get! Free access to five of my most powerful behind-the-scenes interviews ever with Eckhart Tolle’s publisher Marc Allen, literary agent Wendy Keller, Olympic gold medalist and New York Times best-selling author Scott Hamilton, New York Times best-selling author Kristine Carlson from the “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff” series and Amazon best-seller, Sandra Joseph, Broadway star and world’s longest leading lady as Christine in Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. These industry powerhouses hold nothing back as I ask them questions to elicit their best tips, tools, stories and strategies.

These videos have been living in my “master vault”, but right now, the only way you can get access to them is by joining Get Your Book Done.


Free Ticket to Marisa Murgatroyd’s “Message to Money” Live Event

Discover Exactly How to Create a Book-Based Business that Fits for You

This is the ONLY place on the planet where you can get a FREE ticket (worth $997) to attend my friend Marisa Murgatroyd’s Message to Money live event. I’ve attended this event the past three years – and bring my clients with me – because it’s the best event I’ve seen to help you build a successful book-based business… whether you’re just starting out or have a six-figure business you want to take to the next level. Answers are here!


How to Face the Blank Page

Watch Your Words Quickly Pour Onto the Page

With this bonus audio training, you’ll discover how to become friends with the blank page so you never ever stare at a screen or page again and feel stuck… like you don’t know what to write. Rather, the process you learn in this bonus will help you get “unstuck” in a matter of minutes and see your words quickly pour onto the page.


“Fierce and Compassionate”

“Christine’s fierce and compassionate leadership has made it possible for me to be the woman I always hoped I could be. Her intuition is razor sharp, and her ability to notice the subtle things in what I say – and even what I don’t say – has led to more breakthroughs than I can count. As a result, my book is now with a publisher and I’m pinching myself that I finally did it. It had been on the back burner for more years than I’d like to admit. Christine is truly a blessing to work with. I encourage you to work with her too!”

Veronica R. Lynch, PhD, LCSW
Author, Undocumeted

“Sailed Through Finishing My Book”

“I was on the verge of throwing away my manuscript until I met you, Christine. Literally! I was discouraged and thought I’d never figure out how to write a truly great book. After following your system, I not only sailed through finishing that book, but I now have two books published with Hay House and I’m impacting lives around the world.”

Gerry Gavin
Messages from Margaret & If You Could Talk to an Angel

“I Wrote My Book, Left My Job and Started a Mission-Driven Business”

“My life is completely different since working with Christine and going through her transformational author process. When we met, I was a government attorney who secretly talked to angels, and didn’t have the courage to leave my draining job to pursue my passion. Well, thanks to Christine, and Get Your Book Donet, I did it!  I wrote my book, left my job and now work full-time in, and on, my mission-driven business!”

Lilia Shoshanna Rae
Author, The Art of Listening to Angels


So let’s quickly recap:

When you invest in yourself and enroll in the
Get Your Book Done program, you will receive:

Twelve Comprehensive Training Modules with 44 Video Lessons
(Valued at $997)

Forty-Four Powerful, Easy-To-Follow Action Guides
(Valued at $997)

Lifetime Access To The Get Your Book Done® Program
(Valued at $997)

Special Author Resources Like my guide on “How to Get Book Endorsements” and more!

PLUS these 5 bonuses…When you join Today!

$1000 Ticket to My Next 3-Day LIVE Transformational Author Experience

Free Access to My “Prime Your Mind for Writing” App

5 Hours of Exclusive Training from Top Publishing Industry Leaders

Free Ticket to Marisa Murgatroyd’s “Message to Money” Live Event

How to Face the Blank Page Audio Training

That’s a ton of support, coaching, step by step guidance and practical tools to help you do ONE THING…


You can SAVE nearly $200 off the regular Get Your Book Done price when you choose the Full Payment option…

Or Choose the Budget-Friendly 6-Payment Plan!

Sorry, this offer expired on June 5, 2020 at Midnight Eastern.





“Sold 50,000 Copies and Nearly 10X My Revenue”

Before I found Christine and joined Get Your Book Done, I had considered writing a book, but felt overwhelmed by the process. This program helped me not only get my book written and published quickly, but it also empowered me to step up in a big way in my business.  Being a published author  catapulted my career and reputation to the next level. I sold 50,000 copies, my annual income went from $92,000 to $820,000, my email list grew by 20,000+, and I became a respected leader in my industry. Get Your Book Done has allowed me to make an impact on people around the globe, but best of all it’s completely transformed who I see myself to be in the world. Thank you, Christine!”

Dallas Travers
Author, The Tao of Show Business

“I Found Time to Write, Became an Amazon Best-Seller and Grew My Business”

“When I decided to write a book to help spread my message and grow my business, I was already working 60+ hours a week to run my online school. I doubted I’d ever find the time to write my book! Christine’s process of transformational authorship was my saving grace. I found the time, wrote my book, became an Amazon bestseller, and am watching my business grow as a direct result of my book being out in the world.”

Beth Ellen Nash
Founder, Wings to Soar Academy Author, Dyslexia Outside-the-Box

“Jump Started My Book Writing Process”

“Christine’s Get Your Book Done program jump-started my book writing process at a time when I felt lost, stuck, and isolated. I could feel her heartfelt encouragement every step of the way. She’s like a best friend/mentor/soul sister nudging you forward, coaxing your message out of your heart and onto the page. I am so grateful for her service to transformational authors everywhere. I highly recommend her if you need support in birthing your book – and let’s face it – who doesn’t?”

Sandra Joseph
Record-Breaking Broadway Star
Best-Selling Author, Unmasking What Matters

So, again, the real question you need to ask yourself is…


I’m not asking a rhetorical question here. I’m being serious. What’s the true cost of not getting your book written and out there… not in the hands of people whose lives you could change for the better… and your message not out in the world?

When you look ten, twenty years from now, will you regret not having getting started, writing and finishing your book TODAY? I can tell you — right now — joining the Get Your Book Done program at the low investment I’ve asked is nothing compared to living a life of yearning, quiet desperation and regrets… always wondering how life would be different with your book out there in the world.

How much energy will you drain from your LIFE for not having your book written? Every time you open up your computer or the drawer and see your notes, your ideas in your head and… family and friends constantly, persistently asking you at every holiday gathering, every social event, “Hey, how’s the book going?”

You may have heard of this famous quote…

“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

~ Mark Twain

Have a question?

Click here to schedule a free strategy call with someone on my team.

That’s the big question you have to ask yourself…
When will you start and finish your book? What will your greatest disappointment be twenty years from now? I sure hope it isn’t you not writing your book.

When you invest in Get Your Book Done®, I will guide you to write your book, to share your true message… effortlessly and naturally. That’s my big promise to you when you join the Get Your Book Done® program. Register now. Click on the link below…

Sorry, this offer expired on June 5, 2020 at Midnight Eastern.

Still unsure? What if I gave you…


I know you’re serious about finally sitting down and writing your book, so you can transform your readers’ lives and the world at large. You want to make a genuine impact… and make a solid income from it.

Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this guarantee.

By now, you should already know the Get Your Book Done program will hand you the simple steps to completing your book from beginning to end, using a proven and strategic process — that at the same time, doesn’t sacrifice quality, integrity and the “soul” of your message.

Many authors have tried “writing intensives” where you’re trapped in a seminar for 3 days straight – expected to finish the book… or attended classes led by author “wannabes” or bought courses with confusing or outdated content…

None of these solutions work. Not for what you want to do. Get Your Book Done can get you there, however.

I’ll make it simple for you. Invest in Get Your Book Done. Review it. Study it. Use every tool, exercise and process to write your book. And if by the end of 30 days, you’re not well on your way with your book …

Then give me the word and I’ll refund every penny you invested in Get Your Book Done. This is how strongly I believe in my course.

All the risk is on me.

Sorry, this offer expired on June 5, 2020 at Midnight Eastern.





What you have right now inside your head is precious, beautiful and has the potential to transform hundreds… thousands…of lives around the world.  Not to mention what it will be for you personally, and your business!

It doesn’t matter where you are in the writing process. Maybe you only have a seed of an idea… or you’ve started to flesh out your outline…or you’re struggling with how to do it all and in what order.

We’re going to break through all of that together.

It begins with you joining the Get Your Book Done program. There, you’ll be guided through my proven book-writing system, at a pace that fits your life. The same system I used, my clients have used… and what many bestselling and award-winning authors use.

Get Your Book Done will take you from step one of finding your true message… to clarifying your mission and purpose… to creating an outline that’s so engaging and focused, “writer’s block” will be a thing of the past.

I’d like to end my message here with a quote…

“An idea that is developed and put into
action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea.”


Have a question?

Click here to schedule a free strategy call with someone on my team.

Invest in yourself, your message and your book by joining the Get Your Book Done program now. Click on the link below…

Sorry, this offer expired on June 5, 2020 at Midnight Eastern.


“The Sky’s The Limit Now that My Book is Done”

“I made a promise to my late husband that I would write my/our book, and I desperately wanted to keep that promise. But I was stuck trying to figure it out on my own and struggled to find time to write. Thankfully, I joined Christine’s program, followed her transformational author process, wrote my book, became a best-seller and am now coaching people to transcend the death of their loved one… a legacy I’m grateful I found the time to create.  My book is even being used by a college psychology professor as mandatory reading for his student.  The sky’s the limit now that my book is done!”

Gail Saunders
Author, Resilient Heart

“Writing Became Super Easy for Me”

Christine has a proven, methodical Get Your Book Done process that takes authors  from the first step to the last.  I came to her program with an idea for a small pamphlet and ended up with a beautifully published book.  I was most impressed with her. In lieu of forcing me through a forced formula like so many other writing programs and author coaches she allowed the process to flow so naturally that writing became super easy for me. If you know you have a book (or more) inside you and feel it’s now time to release it to the world, I would highly recommend Christine Kloser to Get Your Book Done!”

Dr. Janet M. Bieschke
Author, I’m Sorry, I Love You,Goodbye

“Showed Me How to Be Organized and Stay Motivated”

“Thank you, Christine, for helping me Get My Book Done! I had reached a point where I needed to start all over with my manuscript and was finding the task completely daunting. You scooped me up just when I needed expert guidance and plopped me into the perfect environment to complete my task! You showed me how to have an organized approach to the task and how to stay motivated for my entire book-writing journey. Thanks to you, my book is a beautiful reality, and it’s touching the lives of countless college women! The feedback I’ve received is beyond gratifying! Getting My Book Done has been a transformational experience! I am so grateful to you!”

Lauren Salamone
Author, 5 Must-Know Secrets for Today’s College Girl 


Love and blessings,

Christine Kloser

USA Today Best-Selling Author
Award-Winning Publisher
Transformational Author Coach

P.S. I made a big promise to you here.  And that’s why I’m including the training modules, the video lessons, the action guides… and the valuable bonuses… all risk free for 30 days