044 Nancy Juetten: Bye-Bye Boring Bio

You’ve got an incredible story inside of you – and regardless of where you are in the book writing process – there comes a time to talk about…YOU! Thus, the importance of having a powerful author bio.  But, many authors find it easier to write their entire book than to write a 75-word bio about themselves.  This episode puts an end to any struggle or confusion you have about how to write a bio that shines your light, conveys your credibility and makes you feel friendly and accessible to your readers.  We’ve got the “bye-bye boring bio” expert, Nancy Juetten, to help make bio writing easy for you!

Tune in and listen to Christine and Nancy discuss:

  • What makes up a brilliant bio that really gets at who you are, and why readers should pay attention… 
  • The biggest mistakes most authors make in their  bio and how to  fix them…
  • Suggestions to make sure your bio is warm and authentic….
  • Tips on your bio photo… 
  • And so much more! 

Plus… Get Your FREE Ticket to Christine 1-day Virtual Transformational Author Experience

About Nancy: Bye-Bye Boring Bio author and Get Known to Get Paid™ Success Mentor Nancy Juetten is fiercely committed to helping successful women business owners and emerging experts everywhere quickly get up-to-speed on the best ways to use the power of storytelling and free publicity to share their messages to get seen, heard, celebrated and COMPEN$ATED for their expert status.  Clients rave about the big picture ideas, implementation tips, and messaging magic she provides. Guiding others to achieve authentic visibility that translates into winning results they can feel in their balance sheets is her passion and commitment. An award-winning copywriter with 20 years of success running her own profitable business, Nancy has been interviewed in connection with her storytelling and publicity expertise by CNN Radio, National Public Radio, the ABC Radio Network and by engaging and talented radio talk show hosts and information gurus from across America and the world. She and her publicity tips/expertise have also been featured in print stories issued by the Associated Press, RainToday, USA Today, Forbes.com, FoxBusiness.com, WomenEntreprenuer.com, and beyond. Working one-on-one with clients as their Get Known to Get Paid Mentor is among the best ways that clients welcome results they can celebrate in their balance sheets and beyond. Nancy is someone who inspires business owners to take control of their storytelling and media opportunities through consistent, winning actions every day.

Connect with Nancy Juetten:
Website: www.getknowngetpaid.com
Bye Bye Boring Bio WORKBOOK FREE Bye-Bio Boring Bio Book Preview
Facebook: Nancy Juetten | Raise Your Voice Make Your Impact 
Instagram: Nancy Juetten
Twitter: @nancyjuetten
LinkedIn: @nancy-juetten

Connect with Christine Kloser:
Transformational Author Experience: Register Here!
Award-Winning Course:   Get Your Book Done
Website: ChristineKloser.com
Facebook: Transformational Author Community
Publishing: CapuciaPublishing.com
Email: support@christinekloser.com

About the Author

Christine Kloser

Christine’s book writing programs have served more than 90,000 people in 127 countries.  She’s also published 650+ transformational authors and has been on the Top 100 Amazon, USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-seller lists herself. She is the Founder and CEO of Get Your Book Done and Capucia Publishing.

Interested in working with Christine and her team to get your book written and published, schedule a call with one of our Author Success Coaches to see if we're a good fit to work together.